We are moving quickly through the 10 Steps of the Empowerment Process. Last time we spoke of Beliefs. We now observe how they relate to our Opportunity for transformation in Step #1. We also want to notice how they, as disempowering beliefs held in our bioenergetic field, run our lives to the extent that we …
THE EP-NEWSLETTERS and THE 10-STEP E-BOOK You can follow the 10-steps of the Empowerment Process, or be reminded if you have already taken a workshop, by reading explanations in the free monthly EP Newsletters. If you want copies of the June and July Newsletter explaining steps 1-3 of the10-steps, sign up on my home page …
“With unflinching steadiness march on your path knowing that the infinite creative Power is behind you.” – Paramahansa Yogananda After you become centered in yourself (see Part 1, the last EP Newsletter), the first step is to create an opportunity for transformation. This, when you think through deeply, gives a smooth ride for transformation. …
I thought it is time to do a Newsletter that would create an opportunity for you to make a shift yourself. So, I will follow each Newsletter for the next year with a step toward permanent change with the Empowerment Process (EP). It is a way to allow you to become self-sufficient, a characteristic that …
On Death, Dying and our Role now. I was reflecting on a piece on death and dying that I wrote in the past. If I am going to understand the process of transformation during a life, it seems that there is a need to also understand the experience of death. Just having torn some cartilage …
There is more to life than meets the eye for sure. I need to get out of my head, my beliefs, my projections in order to be centered in the here and now and recognize that I am here…a physical being on the planet. So, I must have a purpose. Can I recognize the beauty …
Going forward might be a clear intention, but not easily materialized these days. I give myself permission to take time to grieve and allow my sadness to release, do a self-Empowerment Process session on occasion, and trust the Universal mother/father God is in charge. With all this in place, I am enjoying mentoring clients that …
Dear Friends, It’s been too long since I wrote to my dear friends and spiritual “transformers.” I hope that your summer was warm and happy, and that you had a chance to enjoy the sunshine. If you are in a warm climate now, lucky you. The Midwest is getting colder. Yet, colder is on the …
Somehow I feel to share a free write from earlier this year. Kind of stirs the heart. Every time I facilitate a self Empowerment Process or one for someone else, there seems to be a greater connection to all around me and inside me. Enjoy the read. xoxoxo I HEAR THE CRIES I hear …
By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired. ~ Franz Kafka I would be kidding you if I didn’t confess that I believe anything is possible, all healing is possible. What makes me believe this? It partly has to do …
The Golden Rule states: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” An enhancement to the Golden Rule is The Platinum Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.” The focus of relationships shifts from “this is what I want, so I’ll give everyone the same thing” to “let me …
Who are the Ancestors? The ancestors are those who were woven into the long currents of energy that reach back, through our bloodline, to our common origin. Our ancestral ties have a significant impact on our lives and family members. It is possible to tap into the wellspring of ancestral support and consciously embody the strengths and blessings …
Why not give yourself the love you deserve? Your heart’s expansion for yourself is projected outward toward others. That’s a great gift. Sunday’s we offer that gift to ourselves with an evening devoted to one of the seven chakras through powerfully profound proxy sessions. This Sunday, we address our HEART chakra, and the next 3 …
Pick up the reigns and transform with an EP self-session For those of you who have taken an EP workshop, don’t be shy, give this a try! Self-sessions can be done on the spot and may well be the antidote to changing a major feeling, and at an important moment. Excuses for not doing a …
One of the most difficult things for me and many of my clients to accept is the feeling of “not knowing” because that means having to live with uncertainty. Since we can’t necessarily predict the future, this feeling of uncertainty can lead to emotional imbalance. Suppose I am committed to picking people up at the …
Can we open our minds so that our emotions become more flexible? In other words, can we consciously choose to respond to unexpected events and situations in our lives in a more positive, evolutionary way? Making a choice The key here is choice. Old habits often get in our way, and our spontaneous reactions are …
The overall purpose of the EP Advanced Workshop is to experience the ease of opening to whatever surfaces for transformation as you systematically follow the 10 Steps and Emotional Pathway Clearing. You allow the information to come forth with your right brain and integrate your responses with your left. Typically, the left brain is understood …
The Empowerment Process is not about fixing; it’s about coming into alignment with yourself. By listening to your thoughts and responses to life’s situations, and paying attention to what you hear, you give yourself the opportunity to make positive changes. You can then flow with a bigger energy that serves your well-being, your ease, and …
Why don’t people always choose to forgive? Dr. Jeffrey Knuppel writes, “Pride is one major reason. Many think it is a sign of weakness, giving up, or giving in. They often feel that those who have wronged them don’t deserve to be forgiven. Forgiving them would mean letting them off easy. But, remaining angry with someone doesn’t …
The theme in this session is collective power: How we can use our thought intentions and holistic energy to effect positive change. The Empowerment Process is facilitated on an individual level, removing your disempowering beliefs and fulfilling unmet needs from this life and lifetimes. The result is an expanded perspective and inner wholeness that creates …