I have truly discovered “my power” over my energy, over my limiting beliefs. I feel able to move any blocks to my progress and feel so much happier. I felt so much energy after each session, and continue to enjoy the upward spiral of evolution. -KP, Janet’s client

What can the Empowerment Process(EP) unlock for you?
Find out with the 3 Month EP Mentoring Program


Uncover the benefits of 3 months of discovery

Through the Empowerment Process(R) Mentorship Program, you will receive the support you need to move ahead.

  • Free introductory consultation with you to customize your path of transformation
  • Two 1 Hour EP Sessions per month
  • 1 hour of live Questions and Answers
  • Janet’s monthly newsletter inspiration
  • Tools and resources for continuing success

The mentoring program is designed to address your concerns that restrict your energy flow. It is so important to release doubts and fears that limit your happiness and success. This program is a series of Empowerment Processes and Intuitive Guidance Consultations that will allow you to comfortably move forward in order to fulfill your personal goals. Your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual energies want to be in alignment. Each mentoring program is designed to integrate these energies.

You will begin with a free introductory consultation to determine your path of transformation. Then, I will design with you the steps needed to fulfill your highest aspirations.


Listen: What to expect from your sessions

Start your journey to empowerment!
Purchase your 3 Month EP Mentoring Program today for a special introductory rate of $447

Success Stories with the Mentoring Program

For Health

A client was in continuous pain and relied on drugs prescribed by a doctor which eventually became addicting.  She wanted to get off the meds and continue with her business after a year’s hiatus.  During an Intuitive Reading, I found that within 6 months she could achieve the results she wanted. We met weekly for the first month, then continued with monthly Empowerment Process sessions. She is now drug and pain-free and energized with a thriving, successful business. MB

For Career and Finances

I worked with a client who was unhappy in his career and needed a new direction after 10 years in one industry.  His Empowerment Process sessions gave him the courage to leave his current position and create the void necessary to be offered a more rewarding position in a new industry. This year, he was recognized as the “expert” in his department and was offered a managerial position to mentor his entire project team. KF

For Relationships

A romantic relationship was forming over a few weeks, and my client was hoping for the possibility of a long term partnership.  Although this fellow met her requirements for a husband, he began to depend on her solely for her emotional support. As she grew to be more self-empowered with mentoring sessions, she became aware of her pattern of attracting men who were emotionally dependent. She empowered herself to move out of the disempowering patterns and receive what she really needed and wanted. The next relationship fulfilled her desires and she has been happily married for six years. JW

For Spiritual Growth

My client thought he was depressed, and with my intuitive connection and reading, it was obvious that he was just dealing with sadness.  His transformation changed his understanding from feeling a responsibility to take away the burdens of his ancestral lineage, to living life joyfully.  Being free to be himself, he came to trust the Universe’s guidance and fulfill his purpose without feeling pressure.  And, integrating this change in his physiology allowed for pressure in his head, continual headaches. to permanently go away. AS