Some of us are thinking about “spring cleaning.” Cleansing the physical body is a great idea. Why not offer yourself an emotional cleansing as well? Here’s how.
In the February Newsletter, I talked about changing habits. You are used to what you are used to, and yet, even if you opt to continue with unhealthy habits, there is something inside that is “speaking to you” to make a change. The more subtle habits are recognized on the feeling level and are ready to be addressed when you catch yourself in the middle of an unhealthy response. That “catch” is where you can make a change.
For example, you may feel angered when someone is bringing something up that hits a hot button. You get defensive and either walk away in a flight response, or start a defensive behavior in a fight response. At this point, if you recognize what is happening, you can make a choice to fully experience your reaction emotionally and physically where you feel the tension without doing anything. It’s not necessarily easy, but it is easier than picking up the old pieces of inappropriate behavior, or stuffing your old feelings inside that will only repeat themselves. They will soon surface, and you’ll think, “There I go again,” and even feel discouraged at your inability to transform.
Just remember, your responses are only patterns memorized when you were wounded in the past. You deserve to release them and live in greater freedom. Otherwise, you may carry a defensiveness and feel a need to always be “watching out” in order protect yourself. The encouraging news is, that when you are sensitive enough to recognize your experience of pain, you have been notified that you are ready to not only deal with it by facing it, but ready to transform.
Issues are easily transformed with the Empowerment Process. For example, if you have a concern or fear of being jostled out of your emotional balance, go through the 10-Steps and uncover your beliefs and unmet needs from the past. If your uncomfortable emotional response comes up during the session, then the Energy Constriction Release will serve to release it.
The visualization (at the end of the EP session) that integrates your empowering statement, or at the end of the ECR (to fulfill your unfulfilled need), allows you to materialize your new positive feeling habit. The chapter “Dealing with Anxiety and Fear” in my book, Discover a Powerful Way to Transform and Heal, discusses a new possibility of thinking and being. You can still download the book through Amazon through ( .
Imagine how your relationship with yourself and others will benefit from transforming old, dis-empowering feeling habits. I encourage you to be honest with yourself. Know that whatever you desire can manifest if you put your attention on it and take the steps to transform to a higher level of functioning. You are worth it!