During any moment in the day, you might recognize yourself feeling the need to resolve an old thinking pattern or energy block.
If you’re doubting yourself in any way, feeling anxious or negative, you might consider taking yourself through the Empowerment Process. That might be once or twice a week, or more, depending on circumstances and desire. I’m often in a conversation with one of my friends and they say, “I really wish I could commit to…., but…” At this point, I suggest receiving and Empowerment Process session. If they’ve taken the Empowerment Process course, I remind them to give themselves a session. Well, are you open to your own “giving?” It’s worth the time.
The result from the energy shift often saves time (maybe money), as the fear or block dissipates. If you have the question or concern identified, the answer is within you. Once you get all your statements written out and the positive words and expressions circled, you can see the pattern and filter out the essence for your empowering statement.
Your first words that you’ve written are usually the best. You can leave out anything that makes it conditional, evaluative, or qualifying…words like “if”, “when,” “better,” “more fully,” and any additional meanings that complicate. Here’s a great example. The issue is that “I am too much in my head and don’t feel my feelings.” The empowering statement after going through each question resulted in, “I know my heart.”
You’ll feel the shift in energy when you’re finished. The world will look and feel quite different.