So, you’ve tried to do the Empowerment Process, going through each step in sequence, and you got stuck.
Did you feel an uncomfortable, overwhelming sensation surface which got in the way of your ability to focus on the EP? Maybe you even began to cry, or feel a strong desire to leave the process.
This is PERFECT. That means you have uncovered a valuable opportunity to release an old energy constriction held in your body. You may have been carrying this for years, even life-times. Now is your opportunity to be courageous and release it.
Here is a simple procedure you can do to help yourself through this. This is an abbreviated version of what I teach in the Empowerment Process workshop, but it can be very effective.
STOP and Breathe. Breathe deeply through your nose as you continue.
FEEL the discomfort or pain. Identify where you feel it in your body.
BREATE IN GOLDEN LIGHT. Offer love and compassion to the area.
BREATHE OUT… the discomfort, pain, or uneasiness. No hurry.
STAY WITH THE FEELING until it dissipates. Feel the relaxation as it sets in.
OFFER GRATITUDE as you become centered in the here and now.
BEGIN or CONTINUE with THE EMPOWERMENT PROCESS. This can be in the moment or when you have time.
An immediate release will give you a sense of freedom so you can continue to transform. The release helps heal a past wound that no longer needs to impede your progress. If you are unsure of results or feeling complete with the transformational shift, you can always connect with me to facilitate a more in-depth process. Sometimes just confirming the results is even enough.