What are your personal gifts? List them and send me an email as to what you have discovered and what you are willing to share. [email protected].
Just the term, “personal gift”, often creates a hesitation or blank response when you are asked this question. Do you recognize what your gifts are? Then you can not only enjoy them, but share them with others. (Don’t forget to answer and send me what you determined.)
From the perspective of transforming energy, it is important to be fully in the present, because we cannot move forward comfortably if we are dragging around old hurts or resentments from our past. It’s much better to let go of blames, excuses, hurts, and old attachments, and feelings that we are who we are “because of…” It is true that we have been influenced by our family, past events, and have then cultured our habits to support our thinking. However, we don’t have to be bound by them.
Coming from our hearts
Our “gifts” are found in the energy of being present for ourselves. Once we are in the moment for our own selves, then we are present for everyone else around us. The term gifting we understand as giving something to someone else. If that giving comes from our heart, we are living in a world of positive emotional expansion, with a heart full of love. Love knows no reason, has no conditions or boundaries, and is unlimited. So our giving from the heart is a natural, easy expression of sharing.
Heart based gifting may be symbolized by things such as a birthday present, or by being available on an emotional level such as listening and offering compassion. Giving time and showing up is a wonderful gift that some people find natural. In any case, giving support on a physical, emotional, psychological, and even spiritual level are all a gifting that offers many rewards for the recipient and the giver.
No reward is necessary
The value of true giving is in the “act” itself, and is never dependent on receiving something in return. The spiritual essence of a true gift is well stated by Kent Nerburn in his book Simple Truths.
“Giving is a miracle that can transform the heaviest of hearts. … The world expands, a moment of goodness is created, and something new comes into being where before there was nothing. . . . True giving is not an economic exchange; it is a generative act. It does not subtract from what we have; it multiples the effect we can have in the world.”
Living life in abundance is not based on fame or fortune, but from the fullness of heart.
If giving is the basis of receiving, then growth is inevitable. Growth of heart. That implies self-love and being without need. This doesn’t mean that as human beings, we don’t have needs. But their fulfillment is based on an internal ability to give to oneself. The environment will positively respond to those who are willing to grow and share their energy in a positive selfless way.
As a final thought, whenever we can give people what they need, we are blessed. It’s never a loss or emptying of what we are. That is replenished with the act of giving. “The more I give, the more I have available to give.”