You are on the planet as part of the solution. Any discomfort is an opportunity for you to address and transform – a gift so to speak. You are here to counteract the problems on the planet. You are a foot soldier for the light.
Think about these questions (and send me your answers) as a prelude to my upcoming Webinar on Dec 10th. (Register HERE)
1. What are three things you would like to transform in your life?
2. How would your life be different if those transformations occurred?
Notice where you put your attention. The positivity or negativity goes far and wide as you carry your emotion forward to all you meet, even in thoughts. What you put your attention on grows only stronger. (a concept from a very popular Saint!).
Do what you can to uplift. Offer your love and share yourself with others as appropriate. Oxytocin goes up and cortisol levels go down. Even your thoughts create a helper’s high. Do what you love. You can still hold sadness, for example, and still be loving.
Say to yourself, “Today I am going to be a warrior for the LIGHT, one day at a time.”
Always with love from me,
PS. Please send your answers to me at [email protected] You are always kept in confidence, BTW. I won’t even look at your email address.