Transformation is a process that allows you to heighten your energy to support an evolutionary direction in life.
You and I are responsible for our own reality. When you choose to be responsible instead making excuses or blaming yourself, or anyone else, you are saying, “I am a powerful, creative Being, learning from every experience in my life. I see and appreciate what I create and learn from my reality to refine and improve it.”
Transformation means that you take a leap from where you are now to a new place that you would like to be. In a sense you are creating a new reality. The answers don’t come from the outside. No book, person or supernatural guide is going to do it for you. They only can support what you need to do for yourself.
Your own energy can have a wonderful healing influence. If you smile at someone, they will often smile back. If the inner feeling behind your smile is one of genuine happiness, love, and connection, and if the other person is willing to take it in, he or she will just pick it up and their whole energy system will respond. How many times in your life have you said a kind, uplifting word to someone and changed their day? Maybe someone has done that for you, too.
By being aware of what you need (in alignment with what Nature has in store for you), accepting the present situation, and having an open willingness to allow the changes to take place inside, you can follow your intention to grow. All the opportunities on all levels of your life – physical, mental emotional and spiritual – will draw your attention as necessary for healing.
The Empowerment Process is a tool to help you move forward, make your transformations while staying centered and grounded.