It’s important to listen to the body’s messages. The mind, body and spirit are intimately connected. The Empowerment Process gives you the opportunity to welcome your healing lessons. With courage, an open mind and heart, you can address physical issues, your reponses to them, and even transform the underlying causes.
Your family is your most precious and intimate teacher. The Empowerment Process gives you the opportunity to listen to your spouse or children without responsing emotionally so they can feel safe to open up. Living life with an open heart and mind without forming judgments, needing to be right or feeling unappreciated results in harmonious …
The Empowerment Process is designed to work at a very deep level to bring about permanent life-changing results. Transformations happen quickly on all levels – mental, emotional, spiritual and physical to create a holisitc shift in well-being. The whys may never be known as long as you can identify what you want and need to …
When you feel overwhelmed and unprepared to deal with life’s challenges, you will benefit most from courageouly and effectively addressing them. The Empowerment Process can help you in times of crisis as long as you are willing to accept your situation and be open to transformation. That means moving through your emotional resistance in order …
Financial security fulfills an important need in everyone’s life. Although the focus of an EP session is often on money, there are usually deeper issues that prevent the inward flow of receiving. A lack of security in having enough of “anything” includes fianancial support. The underlying issues, once recognized and transformed, allows for a greater …
Janet explains how the effects of an EP session are permanent transformations.
Transformation is a process that allows you to heighten your energy to support an evolutionary direction in life. You and I are responsible for our own reality. When you choose to be responsible instead making excuses or blaming yourself, or anyone else, you are saying, “I am a powerful, creative Being, learning from every experience …
Empowerment begins with accepting and acknowledging who you truly are. From here, you continue to love that person that is here on Earth for learning and positive transformation, for being truly authentic, and for being courageous enough to express your gifts. Move out of your beliefs and issues that complicate life, that prevent you from …
What is your potential? What does it really mean to unfold your potential? I’d like to consider the question in two different ways. Am I doing the best I can in the moment with what my goal or task is? And, in the bigger picture, am I living my highest truth in my life, acting …
Empowerment, a perhaps overused word, will remain in my registered name, Empowerment Process. The word really is about discovering our inner essence and gifts. That discovery process opens the floodgates of our inner power. As we shift out of the habits and beliefs that are no longer useful for our evolution, we find ourselves in a greater …
Empowerment is a continuous, self-initiated growth process of self-discovery perpetuated by questions that facilitate the deepening of self-knowledge in our ever-changing environment. Since the outer world is constantly changing, you need to maintain a steady, non-changing but flexible center in your mind/body system to continue your inner evolution. Your self-identity will broaden as you continue practices …
Learning to live from a place of intuitive mind rather than imposed analysis is opening for all of us. As you go through the empowerment process, you are giving yourself the opportunity to refine your sensibilities. You begin to “feel” into situations. You actually do have physiological responses to your thoughts which you can attend to …
During any moment in the day, you might recognize yourself feeling the need to resolve an old thinking pattern or energy block. If you’re doubting yourself in any way, feeling anxious or negative, you might consider taking yourself through the Empowerment Process. That might be once or twice a week, or more, depending on circumstances and …
Inner messages: Where do they come from? How should we respond? Did you ever wonder if a decision you are about to make is the right one or not? How can you tell? For most of us, even if we have a feeling about the future, we cannot predict its outcome with certainty. We don’t …
We all have an intuitive sense, the ability to receive information from the environment, internal and external. You can learn and practice how to scan your body as well as your energetic fields beyond the physical realm and receive information visually, auditory, and kinesthetically. By honoring information from the intuitive, third eye, your sixth chakra, …
A positive intention is a future hope that something will happen. An empowering statement embodies the transformation that you are looking for. This transformation occurs spontaneously after the investigation steps that we follow in the Empowerment Process. We simply answer the questions and look back to make sure the empowering statement encompasses all the issues …