You can follow the 10-steps of the Empowerment Process, or be reminded if you have already taken a workshop, by reading explanations in the free monthly EP Newsletters. If you want copies of the June and July Newsletter explaining steps 1-3 of the10-steps, sign up on my home page to receive past Newsletters.
Once all 10-steps of the EP have been addressed in future Newsletters, I will send a free E-book that summarizes the process. A self-session generally takes an hour or less depending on the nature of the Opportunity.
Self-empowerment is a continuous, self-initiated growth process. The self-discovery surfacing for transformation is perpetuated by questions that facilitate the deepening of self-knowledge in our ever-changing environment. Since the outer world is constantly changing, you will want to maintain a steady, non-changing but flexible center in your mind/body system to continue your inner evolution.
Your self-identity, sense of self, will broaden and become more meaningful as you continue to practice the Empowerment Processes in your life. This automatic expansion is very freeing as you remove disempowering frequencies from your mind/body system. Disempowering thoughts simply disappear as you release their energetic hold.
Step #4 of the EP asks you to identify disempowering beliefs. Since we are all subject to our mind’s thinking, you will want to identify and thus transform those beliefs that you consider disempowering. Once you identify a disempowering belief, you can transform it. Identifying them is simply listening to your thoughts, your mind-talk.
Some common beliefs are: “I am not good enough,” “I can’t do it,” I won’t succeed,” “I am unlovable,” and “No one supports me.”
Transforming those and others that are significant in your life can help you
— Remove obstacles
— Follow your inner guidance as you stay steadfast in your integrity and inner truth.
— Forgive, accept and unconditionally love yourself and others.
— Stay balanced in your perceptions.
— Be fully present in the here and now, letting go of stories from the past and projections into the future.
–Trust yourself rather than give others that authority
Even though the Opportunity for transformation at the beginning of an EP session is stated as an issue or a problem, realize that EP gives you a way to honor where you are now and progress toward the person that you want to be.
During this inner-work, you will create a new, positive perspective, and more, taking you exactly where you wish and integrate everything into your physiology.
To learn more about how the Empowerment Process can be applied, see my You Tube videos at
A former Newsletter on Beliefs and EP can be found at
Enjoy your journey. You are your greatest Blessing.