Your subtle thoughts, sometimes called unconscious or subconscious thoughts, comprise most of your thinking. You are responding, by habit, to those patterns that you’ve learned and abided by since you were a youngster.
How can you identify what the thought pattern is underneath a disempowered feeling?
During the Empowerment Process, you identify an “issue” – a concern, confusion, pivotal point in your life that is uncomfortable. If you check in and listen to your mind-talk, the stories that keep coming up in your life, you may notice there is a pattern to the circumstances and your responses to them. What are those thoughts and feelings that support the disempowerment? Generally, they have been in place since childhood, birth, or were a carryover from a previous lifetime.
The ones that hold you up, such as, “I’m afraid that I’ll make the wrong decision”, “I’m never unconditionally loved”, or, “I’m afraid of losing (my job, my dignity, my partner, my life!) compromise your freedom to go forward with a light and happy heart.
As long as you become aware of what needs to change, and you are willing to make the commitment to do so, then transformation and empowerment are possible. Remember, you can’t change other people, only yourself. Once you do, others may respond in a more favorable way, or at least make it clear to you that your own behavior is an evolutionary step.
If you are interested in looking inward and uncovering an area that you’d like to transform, take the Self-Awareness Survey found on the home page of ( The questions will prompt you to discover the theme that needs attention. It’s always a great energy boost to get out of “it’s never going to change” mode and feel your inner power to process whatever you are willing to transform.
Here’s a great quote from the Irish poet, John O’Donohue.
“Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.”