Learn the Empowerment Process by clicking here: https://pages.empowermentprocess.com/course
Since developing the Empowerment Process in 2005, the terms empowerment and transformation are common among coaches and healers.
Although no one Process is for everyone, I find that the 3 principles that will be shared, and the Process that you can later engage in, works, and is as powerful as you are.
Why not resonate with what you want for yourself? Heal any challenge you might face, any conflicts or traumas, that will help you soften and release anything that is causing you to be small and suffer.
Now, I want to explain the term healing as I understand it. Healing means restoring balance in health and well-being, feeling comfortable and easy with yourself. Of course, we all know that this balance and integration is displayed in us on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
It has taken your entire lifetime to accumulate the issues and stories that have brought you to where you are today. You should know that it is completely possible for you to become your own healer and heal yourself.
Physics has given us the understanding that every experience in our life has left its impression in our physiology, either positive or negative.
Some of these are stored longer than others, depending on the power of the emotions when they were experienced, and might now be the basis of illness or negative beliefs.
The negative beliefs are certainly disempowering, both emotionally and sometimes physically, and will most likely continue to impact our life until we heal and remove them.
One of the grateful purposes in my life is to help you identify the challenges you are facing so that you can transform them into a positive growth opportunity.
What are these 3 proven principles that you can take right away so that you can move toward your own healing and become your own healer? I will share what I learned over the years.
We always want to live in the Present moment. That is the first step. I had to learn the first principle, to be present, so that I could consider step 2, to let go of my own thoughts, ideas, actions, and everything that kept me from Being who I thought I could be. The third step is then to live this new perspective that is only a reflection of what we want to happen for ourselves anyway.
The best kept secret that I have learned is that ALL HEALING IS SELF HEALING. We are born alone and die alone. Yet, it is not that we have to DO it alone while we are here. We have so many others that are here for us. There are our friends and some family members that hold us and help us as you and I do for them.
Everyone has their own journey, their own passions and their own way of fulfilling them. That is why my topic is broad, and yet specific to you.
Many years ago, my clients asked me if I could answer certain questions, often related to their own experiences in consciousness. Although I was reticent at first, I just let the words flow and began to answer them, and they felt received and attended to. Many of them wanted to learn how to find the answers for themselves.
As an expert in kinesiology and knowledgeable in many fields of energy work, I was inspired to develop a simple and intuitive process that anyone could use. So, I created a 10-step process that is powerful and does work to teach others how to become balanced. You can be the Self that you have always wanted.
Let’s dive in now with Principle #1 that I want to share in this Newsletter.
Be Present to your current reality in time and space.
You want to be excited to be who you truly want to be, to learn how powerful you truly are. You are much greater than the thoughts of who you think you are anyway. You want to become present to yourself.
When we start the healing process by being fully present, our maximum energy is available for healing. That is your first step into higher energy dimensions.
To become present, you no longer can live in your past thoughts that might have caused you some stress, anxiety, guilt, or fear, or whatever emotion you find yourself living in. And, that emotion has consequences in your body as well. As we all know, consciously or unconsciously, we want to be integrated, and live the life that we want.
Our energy is so much bigger than our physicality. The human heart actually produces a powerful electromagnetic field that can extend up to 5 miles from the body. And, the heart, generating the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field is approximately 5,000 times stronger than even your brain.
Notice that becoming PRESENT really means accepting what is.
So that is the first key for you to know, that it is best to be present in whatever situation you find yourself. Get out of the grips of your own attachment.
Principle #2 is letting go.
I had to let go, of both my children. Both kids were very sentient Beings – healers, spiritual mentors, and highly educated. They were full of love which they shower on so many from where they are now, off the earthly realm. I continue to hear about their unbounded love from many that knew them.
It is definitely different for me in my life. Healing needed to take place each time. Even though I sought out grief counseling and other therapies, I realized I had to do it myself.
That is not to say it is not a good idea to work with others, but I found my own work to be the most healing and certainly available. Taking care of myself felt new as I am sure many of you have experienced.
We are to let go of anything that no longer serves us. Any attachment is worth letting go of if we want our highest welfare to be our reality now.
All of the challenges we face in our human life, in this particular body, are the actually opportunities for us to grow and learn. We are challenged to let go of negative emotions, for example.
What are these feelings that you are attached to? You know. You can begin your list now.
Was I afraid to confront the reality of my son committing suicide, and my daughter leaving 10 years later with a painful sarcoma and neuropathy? Am I afraid to hear and listen to my thoughts and feel my feelings? These definitely were and, in some ways, still my challenges.
The Empowerment Process is there to be helpful to literally transform any suffering, or any concern you may have. The results are that courage, resilience and our understanding only grow stronger. The process becomes easier once we are committed and practiced.
Everyone wants something more.
What is it that you want? More Peace of Mind, freedom, more money, more ways to express yourself, a better life that includes a perfect relationship. You want to be able to go with the flow of your own life.
Since the “wanting” is a future affirmation, I like to hold the belief that it is better to integrate and be where you can be now than to hope for the future.
That means, of course, being Present and often getting out of your comfort zone. That also entails, leaving fear, anxiety, and all internal conflicts behind. That is what I mean by letting go and you can do it. You are that powerful. Become present to yourself, be who are, and go for it. No one else can do it for you. That you already know,
What happens on the inside plays out on the outside. It is in every challenge that you face, you have the power to make it the way you want it and turn it into an Opportunity.
The letting go is fundamental to the transformational work that I do with the Empowerment Process as we create the opportunity to transform whatever we want and need in the present. You want see what the Universe has in store. The word “see” brings us to the perspective shift which comes easily when we do an Empowerment Process.
Now, you can write out what might be holding you back from letting go of what you need to let go of? It might be: a job, a spouse, financial security, negative emotions anything that you are attached to that keeps you stuck.
What is going on for you?
By writing it out, you make a commitment to yourself to transform what you don’t need. Now you are beginning to look inside and see what it is that you are looking for so that you can be successful.
Principle #3 is to actually live your new perspective. What does that mean? You can use your intuition and follow your heart’s desire for the life you want now. And, when you create that perspective, you have a built-in radar ready to attract what you need. You become a magnet to fulfill your needs.
You always are guided, mostly by your heart, and an openness to what the Universe has in store for you.
To continue sharing the third principle, living the new perspective, I came to recognize that my daughter had to become present to her current reality, letting go of anything that held her back from going forward in her evolution. As it turned out, she was able to separate the Soul journey with her physical growing disabilities. Life was lived, for a time, from moment to moment, always in the present. She made a decision that she could do more from where she is now that to be trapped in the human body. That is not for everyone, I am sure.
And, I ask myself am I still a mom? You bet I am. I had to Become Present, let go of the past, and change my current perspective. How did I do that?
I had such a hard time with my own thoughts about my daughter’s pain and growing disabilities. Being present for my life was imperative. This was for my own well-being as well as hers, too.
I came to understand that in the present, she was happy and working from a new place. That was confirmed right away by two separate people right after she left.
I always, as will you, get what we need. I consider this amazing and might even call it a miracle, if you want to look at it that way. I had to let go of my negative thoughts about her disease.
Now, I realize as you can realize, we are not the thoughts we think we are. We can live in the present, let go of what is holding us back, and create a new perspective for ourselves that works to keep our purpose here, on the planet, alive and well. That letting go requires feeling our feelings. We do need to take care of ourselves, and that process may be different for all of us.
Becoming your own Healer, learning to heal yourself, is a way to integrate all of the powers of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, here and now.
You will experience a new wave of confidence and success that comes easiest from what you want to happen. The new perspective replaces the old one, and a new habit of visualizing what you want replaces the old habits that cause anxiety, worry and attachment to the past.
The things that will happen are that you will be the magnet that you have always wanted to be. And, you will attract all the people you need to help you go forward. That is the Universe’s gift that you draw to you.
You really want to muster up the courage to live authenticity to be who you truly are. You are ready to be present… to live and fulfill your powerful message and tools.
The EP Course, Become Your Own Healer, is guaranteed to prompt you to go deep into your inner nature to locate and release any blocks, dis-empowering beliefs and uncomfortable feelings that no longer serve you and hold you back.
The Process has an impressive range of benefits as reported by those who use it. And, the results are permanent as I learn from continuing to receive information.
Examples of benefits that clients share include:
— improved physical and mental health
— enhanced personal and family relationships
— greater confidence in recognizing and following intuition
— ability to deal with overwhelm and anxiety
–ready to go deeper than before. I am like an internal washing machine.
Many testimonials are on found on the website menu bar https://empowermentprocess.com The most recent feedback came recently from a dear client.
“Doing the Empowerment process I was able to recognize and clearly identify the issue that was bothering me. Then doing the steps of EP I was able to shift my sense of where the problem really lies which is within myself and see how I could meet my unmet need myself without relying on others. This shifted the whole “problem” to something that I would solve myself.”
Because the Empowerment Process course is digital, you can take the course at your own pace. Depending on how much time you have, and how much time you allot to each section, it can take a week-end full time, or some weeks, whatever you can devote to it. Each of the 9 modules presents ways that you can fulfill the question as you write out your answers.
You will find that it takes less and less time to facilitate a process for yourself as you “practice.”
Sign up now for the Empowerment Process Course to begin your transformation for the life you desire: https://pages.empowermentprocess.com/course
I know from my own experience that this simple Empowerment Process gives you the power to overcome difficult situations, grow from them, and make positive life changes. Relationships, health, and finances always seem to improve.
We all want to be in a place of calm, safety and love within ourselves. Every challenge transformed becomes an opportunity for our well-being.
This EP course enables you to problem solve and empower you to transform and conquer challenges you may have. You will always have a roadmap so you can transform disempowering beliefs and fulfill unmet needs, live a new perspective and experience personal growth.
I am thrilled to share this knowledge with you and I sincerely believe you will experience this training as a giant leap forward in your Self-Empowerment, and your personal evolution.
I am happy to talk to you about what you might want to transform if that is a concern for you. The calendly link for you to have a 30 min. complimentary talk with me is
I look forward to speaking with you and plan to hold live q. and a. sessions. Sometimes someone else asks a question that fulfills your conscious query.
Many blessings.