Human potential is unfathomable and limitless when we are able to function from our fullest integrated wholeness. It’s a tall order, but always the end goal, and hopefully the reason you will have signed up for the digital EP course.
It seems to be the “Rules of the Game of Life”, that we are continually presented with challenges and obstacles to fulfilling our desires. Ironically, overcoming any challenge seems to open a pathway for more challenges to present themselves, since they seem to be our opportunity to grow.
Our intention for this course is not to train you to prevent challenges from arising in your life (since that is not in your control), but to give you the skills to recognize which challenges are holding you back, disempowering you, and then train you with the techniques to change them. This is the basis for becoming your own healer, and the ultimate gift of Self-Empowerment.
Probably our greatest gift for having this human body is that we are given the opportunity to function as an integrated whole. As Shakti Gawain says, “The path of transformation is when we commit ourselves to the integration of our spiritual and human aspects and learn to live as whole beings in balance and fulfillment on earth.”
All of us are challenged to continually balance our thoughts and emotions and positively guide any disempowering reaction to outside circumstances and events. We can’t change those that have already happened, but we can change those reactions to the events.
Difficulties arise when we resist the natural flow of life. Loss of clarity and purpose greets us with suffering on some level which may include issues that are found in our relationships, health, career and finances.
Physics has given us the understanding that every experience in our life has left its impression in our physiology, either positive or negative. Some of these are stored longer than others, depending on the power of the emotions when they were experienced, and might now be the basis of illness or negative beliefs. The negative beliefs are disempowering, both emotionally and sometimes physically, and will likely continue to impact our life until we heal and remove them.
That is the goal of this training: to help you identify the challenges you are facing, pinpoint the underlying disempowering beliefs that are blocking your ability to overcome the challenges, and transform them into a positive growth opportunity.
It reminds us of the Serenity Prayer:
Lord grant me the:
* Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
* Courage to change the things that I can
* Wisdom to know the difference
This Empowerment Process Course will teach you the skills to recognize and transform your disempowering beliefs into opportunities for great growth. The skills to become your own healer and a natural development of self-mastery will prevail in any challenging situation.
All will be explained and you will have an opportunity to ask me any question you might have when you join the Free Webinar. Please click below to register.
Free Hour Webinar: Become Your Own Healer:
Transform Every Challenge into an Opportunity
Thursday, Dec. 10th, 11 a.m. or 7 p.m.