I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
We all live by our habits. Some really do serve us, our health, our well-being, our joy. And, some we’d like to change.
It is valuable to appreciate your good habits and the energy you put into doing the right thing. That acknowledgement can give you the courage to look at some of your pitfalls that manifest as dis-empowering thoughts and negative behaviors.
Most of your habits were programmed into you subconsciously from childhood. Some common habits that many people would love to transform are: staying up too late at night; eating too much sugar; spending money inappropriately; negative self-talk; co-dependency; worry; blame; complaining; defensive behavior; angry and aggressive behavior; and my personal favorite, needing to be understood.
Often, we are “addicted” to our habits because they are so intimate and precious for our self-identity. Changing them takes time and effort, and maybe even some courage. By putting your attention on making the change, you have taken the first step toward transformation. And, the cool thing is, once you do shift your beliefs and transform unfulfilled needs, then your brain has “understood” and creates new connections that will become automatic. Yes, you will have more life-supporting thoughts and behaviors.
Here’s how you can begin to change your dis-empowering habits:
* Identify current habits, both energizing and de-energizing. Write them down as they come to your attention. If you are open and feel safe enough, ask others close to you to add to the list. This open receptivity in itself is a good habit to cultivate. We are not looking to judge ourselves, only to see ourselves more objectively. Remember that what others see and report may not be your reality. Just stick with your own perceptions.
* Prioritize them according to how you would like to work on them. Sometimes, by changing one habit, others will automatically change or at least be energetically supported.
* Take yourself through the Empowerment Process for change, or use the guide from your Workshop if you’ve taken it.
Take the habit you wish to change as the “issue,” and proceed to explore your inner world and answer the questions.
As you begin, remember that you need to be in a “neutral” space for transformation. If you feel emotionally charged, follow through, or have someone lead you through, the Energy Constriction Release. Ground your energy and center yourself.
Then, check in with your intuition, your gut feeling, to recognize whether you have come to a place of relaxation and integration with this new intention.
You will notice that once you’ve addressed and transformed your issue, habits automatically change for the better.
If you don’t feel ready, or that you’ve been unable to accomplish your anticipated transformation, feel free to sign up for an individual session with me or better yet, come to an EP week-end workshop. The most powerful learning comes with the experience of the EP Workshops.
In any case, enjoy the journey of self-transformation. It’s a great one.