Learn the Empowerment Process by clicking here: https://pages.empowermentprocess.com/course Since developing the Empowerment Process in 2005, the terms empowerment and transformation are common among coaches and healers. Although no one Process is for everyone, I find that the 3 principles that will be shared, and the Process that you can later engage in, works, and is as powerful as …
You are on the planet as part of the solution. Any discomfort is an opportunity for you to address and transform – a gift so to speak. You are here to counteract the problems on the planet. You are a foot soldier for the light. Think about these questions (and send me your answers) as a prelude to …
Human potential is unfathomable and limitless when we are able to function from our fullest integrated wholeness. It’s a tall order, but always the end goal, and hopefully the reason you will have signed up for the digital EP course. It seems to be the “Rules of the Game of Life”, that we are continually …
Having facilitated thousands of people around the world and taught well over 60 in person workshops, I know that you have the power and courage to make positive life changes. I am so thrilled to have this self-paced course on-line. You will have it forever and you can do the Process anytime you want. …