Testimonials from EP Participants

Individual Client Experiences

The Power of Transformation

The Empowerment Process and Chakra Balancing workshops have been so astounding for me. In a few short weeks, my life has become unrecognizable compared to what it was before. Anyone receiving 5 percent of the good I have received, would have enough incentive to justify taking her courses. Janet’s receptivity clarity and her intuition continually impress me.

This is not a run-of-the-mill, self-improvement course. The simple few days of fun classes did for me what a lifetime of therapy and medication and anti-anxiety tricks couldn’t do. I now have the ability to discover my underlying issues and heal them. I feel like a new person, the person I was meant to be.

Relief from Pain and Insomnia

Immediately after our session, I felt drastically different. My head was clear physically and emotionally. Although the headaches came back the day after as you said they might, I felt mentally clear through the physical pain. The next few days were less intense and have got progressively better. The pain behind my eyes has disappeared. I am encouraged that I can deal with my diagnosis without surgery and that my healing will come from a very deep place. I am happy to open my inner process for my own transformation.

Improved Relationship
After our session, I was able to talk honestly to my fiancé, and let go of my illusionary perceptions. It was as if a dark cloud and heavy weight was lifted from every cell I my body. Now I am relatively fearless and outspoken, and am able to confront him and others in a simple, peaceful way. I am enthusiastic, full of laughter and honest with myself.am now able to meet my goals by completing my work projects. I recognize how to motivate others to assist me in my business and I feel confident that the investment of time and money will pay off.

Greater Sense of Self
I am feeling really strong and empowered as to who I am. I’ve been asserting that sense of Self much deeper in my life and it seems to be paying off on all levels – friendships, relationships, and for myself. Things with my friends have improved so much because of what a strong presence I have become. I’m not really afraid anymore of this outcome or that outcome just because my sense of Self has become the overpowering factor in my life now. It’s really nice.

More Productivity
I am now able to meet my goals by completing my work projects. I recognize how to motivate others to assist me in my business and I feel confident that the investment of time and money will pay off.

Course Participant Experiences

Learning a Science of Intuition
I appreciate having this process as a science of intuition. The anatomy of intuition is a process that is not “mysterious”. This is a fantastic structure for me to work with using my intuitive impulse. Whichever knowledge of my inner knowing chooses and calls forth for me, I am willing to receive.

More Self-Love
I feel able to be myself, offering my knowledge and skills with more confidence and joy. I’ve noticed a willingness to relax and be me, just be natural at the moment and not worry what other people are going to think. I feel more self- love, just loving myself the way I am. The course seems to give you whatever help you most in your life.

Gaining Greater Confidence to Trust and Receive Intuition
I feel more comfortable with myself. It’s like I’ve been introduced to myself for the first time, and for the first time, I find I am amazing and I can trust everything about me. I have confidence in myself and no longer have trouble expressing emotional discomfort.

I can now confidently receive intuition in the form of impulses and a general sense of knowing that I would have completely dismissed as being significant before the Empowerment Process.

I Have the Courage to Follow my Intuition
I have more courage to assert myself and fulfill what my intuition is telling me. I trust my instincts more, a transformational issue which resolved in the first group session and I now feel I can trust the Universe.

Trusting My Inner Voice
I have clearly strengthened my ability to trust my own inner guidance. I am able to remember that I am a powerful source of energy in a physical body, and can ask a question and receive an answer that supports my evaluation.

Feeling my Transformational shifts
I am able to feel the energy and power of my Empowering Statement as I experience it in my entire body and its effect on my whole Being.

Learning with Love and Inspiration
Janet, I am so impressed and transformed by your powerful course. You have given me some truly invaluable tools that I will always be able to rely on for my life ahead. It’s amazing to see the results already taking place in my life as I am being asked by my clients to literally have me show them “the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you so much for sharing your precious knowledge with us. I love that you are so practical and down to earth, yet you have all this esoteric knowledge and know how to work with it. You accept everyone as they are and where they are without judging. I look forward to using this knowledge more and more in my life.

The Power of Energy Shifts
I have truly discovered “my power” over my energy, over my limiting beliefs. I feel able to move any blocks to my progress and feel so much happier. I felt so much energy after each class, and continue to enjoy the upward spiral of evolution. I recognized the power of energetic shifts in using the healing modalities and the process of change that you presented.

Just putting our attention on healing in the group was so powerful. I appreciate learning how to hone in on my feelings and subtle needs so that my intentions are more consciously clear. I enjoyed getting to know my support system, my inner guides and will continue to tap into my own intuition. My life is so much easier. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

Thoughts from EP Practitioners

Tackling any Issue
I use the Empowerment Process when something is bothering or I have an issue that I really want to get clarity around. It’s not that I just want to feel good, I actually want to uncover whatever it is that is not making me feel good to bring it to the surface and process it. The Empowerment Process helps me systemically go through the issue and uncover every aspect of it. It also helps me uncover the issue because many times I may not even know what the issue is. After doing the Empowerment Process for some time, I find that just identifying the issue helps to shift it.

The Ease of Facilitating

Long-Distant Phone Session
I had a really wonderful experience doing an Empowerment Process session over the phone today with my friend. It took about an hour and a half and I had to go through the emotional pathway clearing as well. My friend was able to process and see how many dis-empowering beliefs had been carried over from being abused by a mentally ill person when a teen, and how there was never validation for all the hurtful and fearful feelings it caused. It became obvious how these emotions were showing up today as an adult. The empowering statement after going through the process was life-changing and validated the right to be here fully on the planet. I want to thank you for coming up with such a clear and systematic way to help someone. What a cool concept of people helping each other just for the love of it.

Deeply Transformative

Interview with a Course Participant
COURSE PARTICIPANT: I was really pleased with Janet’s Empowerment Process course and for years I had thought about taking it and never could find the time. But I finally found the time and even felt resistance on my way to the course and the night before. I wasn’t sure why, what am I doing? Am I going to this thing? I could be doing other things. This is what was in my mind.

It was so deeply transformative, surprisingly so. I do a lot of my own healing work and I’ve worked on a lot of stuff but it brought a lot of things that I didn’t even realize were there. At the end she asked us what changes we’ve noticed in ourselves during this course and I made a list of seven and I could have kept going. And it was only two days five hours a day but a lot happened. I found myself coming into my power more than I have been and here’s the changes that I saw at the end. I saw myself in action, being myself, offering my knowledge and skills and it created more confidence and more joy. It unearthed issues that I’m willing to resolve. It brings up things that you may have not seen before.

I’ve noticed more willingness to relax and be me, just be natural. And a big change I saw was just being able to take care of myself in the presence of others and not feel like I have to be something or any certain way. I am now able to be me in the moment and not worry what other people are going to think.

Another change that I saw was more self-love and this feeling of just loving myself the way I am and all these different parts of me and then a new awareness of how to be with people. You get whatever you need. Whatever’s most up and would help you most in your life that seems to be what you get from the course. From what I heard everybody saying, it was fun, it was engaging, it was deep. It was pretty easy but also challenging at the same time, and it was very supportive, very nurturing. I felt like now I have this very supportive family and there’s people you can check in with.

It’s always ongoing and you can always call her and ask her things but it’s definitely transformative and I feel like I can fulfill my life’s purpose now more than I could before. I feel fuller, bigger, more clear and more integrated and able to use my skills in a bigger way than I did before the course. Very empowering.

Could you describe what the course is?

CP: It’s called the Empowerment Process and it teaches you a set of questions or a process to follow to facilitate your own transformation or another’s later on. So, you pick an issue, a concern, anything – a situation in your life that you’re having a problem with and you work on that following all these different steps. It just works. I just followed the steps and had a great experience. It’s almost like magic. Something magical happens during this process and you also learn a process to release energy constrictions in the body that are in the way of you transforming or shifting these deep issues that you didn’t even know were there. That is a huge part of it for all of us because we all know what that feels like to have constrictions in your physiology, or in your mind or your emotional body, and you learn this process to release them. There are many ways to release constrictions but her Emotional Pathway Clearing (EPC) is very systematic and it works. There’s so much love built into the process too so there’s a lot of heart value. We focused on that a lot. Just feeling safe and loved and being led through this process and the constrictions just melted away. It was intense, but you’re allowed to go through it. You’re allowed to do what you need to do.

The healing tools can even take you outside to do some grounding in bare feet. She gives you a lot of tools to help remove those energy constrictions and work through them. Then you move back to the Empowerment Process. So, if you’re in the middle of the empowerment process and you feel you’re stuck, then you do the Emotional Pathway Clearing (EPC) and it works. I’m excited to use it and we’re going to meet in a week and practice.

How is Janet?

CP: I really appreciated her focus. She’s very experienced, very skilled, very confident in what she’s doing and that helped us to feel confident. There’s a structure to it, she keeps us going but one of the very special things about her is she has this ability to tune into each person and guide them and I found that to be amazing. She’s got this gift and it’s hard to put into words but I guess you’d call it heightened intuition. She knows intuitively how to help each person’s process and facilitate their changes and she’s nurturing and at the same time She keeps you on task and notices if you’re spacing out or kind of starting to fade away because you don’t want to be here anymore because it’s too much. She’s like a nurturing mother making sure that we know that she cares and that she’s attuned to us. And she’s very flowing. She’ll flow with what the needs are and she allows each person’s gifts to come out and be used. The Process is very organic. If someone wants to offer something she’s open to that. It’s not like she’s an empowerment process nazi, she allows people to express their gifts and bring them to the group making sure we of course get through what we need to. It was so nourishing.